
Red vs blue pokemon origins
Red vs blue pokemon origins

red vs blue pokemon origins

An enhanced remake of the original game is released after a few years from its original release. It is a series that releases games in pairs with each game containing small differences. The video game involves the designation of players as Pokemon trainers and is given three Pokemon to train with the goal of competing against other Pokemon and Pokemon trainers in order to become the Pokemon Master. It was first released as a game for Game Boy but has now become the world’s second most successful video game based franchise. Pokemon is a contraction of the Japanese brand Pocket Monsters and refers to the Nintendo Role Playing Game (RPG) that was created by Satoshi Tajiri. Most are created by Japanese programmers, and two of the leading video games are released by Nintendo the Mario and Pokemon series of video games. You can help the Pokémon Wiki by expanding it.Video games have become hugely popular in the last fifteen years or so.

red vs blue pokemon origins

This section is incomplete or unfinished. Charizard Mega Evolves, and defeats Mewtwo. Red takes out Charizard, but they get blasted of. No matter how hard he tries by battling it, he still can't catch it. Red goes to Cerulean Cave by himself, and finds Mewtwo. Soon, they find out the Pokémon is named Mewtwo, a clone of the mythical Pokémon Mew. Red asks Blue about the Pokémon, and Blue describes it as a psychic type Pokémon. Later Red found Blue at Professor Oak's house with heavy injuries from battling a Pokémon in Cerulean Cave.

red vs blue pokemon origins

Both battled hard but Red eventually won. After defeating the Elite Four, Red faced Blue as his final challenge. In File 4 - Charizard, Blue had officially become the Champion. In File 3 - Giovanni, Blue helped Red rescue the Silph Co. Red decided to stay and fight, so Blue continued upstairs, where he found and defeated a Team Rocket Grunt by using his Wartortle. Then he bumped into Red and said that they needed to get out of the Pokémon Tower. However, once he got there, Blue encountered the ghost of Cubone's mother and ran away. In File 2 - Cubone, Blue decided to investigate the Pokémon Tower to get rid of Team Rocket and be a hero. During the battle Blue's Squirtle easily dodged all of Charmander's attacks and dealt heavy damage ending up in a victory for Blue. When he got to Professor Oak's Lab, Blue was given a Pokédex and chose a Squirtle, as it had a type-advantage over Red's Charmander. Later he again met up with Red again near Viridian City and challenged him to a battle. Blue's first appearance was in Pallet Town, where he met up with Red on his way to receive a Pokémon from Professor Oak.

Red vs blue pokemon origins