To select the races for your new character, grab a d10 and roll twice from the following table. It’s also worth mentioning that in this article I’m only going to using examples with the vanilla PHB races, but this system should work with any of the other available race options ( if your DM allows it) If you don’t already have a concept in mind, but just want to try using the system then grab your dice and get to rollin’!

The first step to creating a Half-Race character is to decide the race of the parents ( duh). Today’s article will discuss the following: If Half-Elves and Half-Orcs can exist, why not Half-Dwarves or Half-Tieflings? And why is it always assumed that one of the halves will be human? Why shouldn’t there be an Elf-Gnome person, or a Dragonborn-Orc? What the hell ever happened to free love? In an attempt to solve some of these questions, I came up with a pretty straightforward system for creating characters or NPCs that are a mixture of races. The Half-Races in D&D are pretty cool, but there’s just one problem: there’s only two of them.